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Leveler Games


Owned by: Jonathan Copeland

Leveler Games is about making video games that make a positive difference!  I am a "one man show", working with the support of family, friends, customers, donors, and idea contributors.  As an avid gamer myself, I realize many people (including myself) put a lot of time into playing video games.  I had a realization that this time can be put to good use, beyond just relaxation and entertainment.  There is so much we learn to play games (such as how to level up, what strategies work in certain situations, etc.), so why not make it so we learn real facts, instead of just fiction as we play?  I aim to make games that are still very fun and engaging, while including educational content as well!  I aim to create games that are family friendly, that parents don't have to worry about their kids playing, but keep the game fun for both adults and children!  I am Jonathan Copeland.  I handle most everything, developing the game, marketing, and running the business.  My wife helps with editing, and friends / family help test and give me suggestions.  I and my wife are both disabled, and, if we can make a profit, we plan to use the proceeds first to pay for medical bills, and the medical care we need.

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